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The GPLExtek Hypercube TM

Hypercube Assembly Diagram

Look carefully through the translucent shapes and all 12 boards will come into view along with their relative orientations.


The terms such as Hypercube, Hypercube Tesseract are short versions what are otherwise long descriptive definitions with explanations and qualifications.
Descriptions such as trans dimensional hypercube conduits also have longer explanations and qualifications.

A cube is simple six sided object. A hypercube has more geometric features than a simple cube.
The GPLExtek Hypercube is synthesized from cube geometry using tesseract projection geometry principles.
The GPLExtek Hypercube is made from 12 identical pieces of PCB that assemble into a hypercube shape with orthogonal slots (instead of wings that project from vertexes as commonly drawn).

There are an infinite variety of hypercubes and the GPLExtek Hypercube is just one of those hypercubes.

Hypercube Tesseract Arrays grown on the outside of a cube

The GPLExtek Hypercube features carefully crafted mounting holes to allow Hypercube Tesseract Arrays to be added to the Hypercube with nylon spacers.
The tesseract arrays are duplications of the Hypercube, or onion like shells that grow around Hypercube
or onion like shells that grow inside of a Hypercube, or they are fractal versions of the Hypercube that grow on the surface of any of these duplicates and shells.

More information dotted throughout web site on Hypercube design.

Solder Assembly

Hypercube Assembly first step (right) and then second step (left)

The pyramid shape is first assembly step. Join two pyramids make very stable second 6 board 'half cube' structure.

The individual boards on the half cube is still accessible from all sides to solder wires and components and to afffect repairs.
However, avoid temptation to solder together the boards before they are completed.

Two pyramids joined together into a 6 board 'half cubes' (above example is to construct automated test equipment project).

Two of these half cubes assemble into a complete cube. But two different versions of half cubes exist. Take care to construct the correct forms that can join together to make complete cube.

Two half cubes clipped together make a complete hypercube.

The two half cubes clip each other without need to lock them together with solder until all the wiring is complete.

Avoid temptation to assemble Hypercube until each PCB construction work is complete.

Solder lightly. Not all joints need soldering to make usable Hypercube.

Removing soldered board is relatively easy. Tug lightly at the face while applying soldering iron to joint that is soldered.
PCB is flexible and will separate. Use light amounts of solder to help with removal.
Pads will get damaged during desoldering if tugged at while the solder freezes.
Each solder/desolder cyle reduces mechanical strength of the solder pads because PCB is made from resin and fibreglass, and this resin under the pads begins to give up.

The bumps from left over solder residue is cleaned with solder wick. They rarely need to be cleaned off if light amounts of solder is used.
If the bumps are small, pressing boards together and applying soldering iron melts and joins boards and removes the bump without having to use solder wick.

Hypercube Trans Dimensional Wiring Conduits

Each Hypercube has wiring conduits that accomodate around 150 wires per channel with 0.6mm diameter hook up wire.
Wires entering the conduits traverse the three dimensions without interfering with each other and are called the Hypercube trans dimensional wiring conduits to separate them from wiring conduits that may otherwise interfere with cabling.
The total capacity is around 300 wires per x, y or z direction. For all three directions combined, the total wiring capacity per cube is 900 wires.
Nine hundred wires per Hypercube ought to be enough for anybody building their embedded supercomputer(TM).

Hypercube trans dimensional wiring conduits

The 70mm cubes are relatively small and good for small projects.
The next size up is 140mm. The total wiring capacity per cube of the 140mm cube is around 3600 wires.
Three thousand six hundred wires per next size up Hypercube ought to be enough for anybody building their next size up embedded supercomputer(TM).

High power wires could be laid through the hypercube trans dimensional conduits. A balance needs to be struck between power cables, signal wires and noise.

Hypercube Tesseract designs permit much higher wiring capacity and use thicker wires for high power.
Hypercube Tesseract Arrays needing high power use copper in tape form instead of round form.
This allows them to bend around tight spaces more easily. Flexible PCB is ideal for this type of interconnection for short tracks.

GPLExtek Hypercubes make extensive use of FPC connectors to connect boards together while they are laid out flat during prototyping.
While connectors are easy to use to connect together prototype boards, a complete system may not facilitate connectorized wiring unless the boards have been customized.
A large part of making complete Hypercubes involve directly soldering wires to boards and routing them through Hypercube trans dimensional conduits to avoid cable interference.
For making commercial customized boards KiCAD files under the commercially licensed product are provided to add custom connectors.
For prototyping and for high density wiring of boards, prototyping boards will accept numerous FPC connectors with matrix board areas for header connectors.

To make modular systems with boards that can be changed out for servicing, it is a requirement to connectorize all wiring.

Some short cuts such as using the internals of the cube to wire between cube boards is feasible.

Hypercube Missile Wire

Hypercube wiring is special and for that ther is special 0.6mm diameter multi-stranded hook up wire for signals.

They are sold as Hypercube Missile Wire(TM) to distinguish from any other type of wire so that you know what you are buying is this special wire.
Hypercube missile wire is relatively strong, bends easily, easy to twist to make twisted pairs, takes corners without breaking, and is easy to strip without tools.

For building projects with the smaller Hypercubes, it is essential to have this wire to avoid creating a mess.

Hypercube Facilities

Hypercube above integrates CPU board, 2 optically isolated RS232 boards, 2 prototyping boards, 4 Lithium charger boards and 3 spare prototyping boards to complete the cube.
In larger systems there may be hundreds of Lithium charger boards, LED controllers, CPU boards and communications boards.
Instead of assembling a mix of boards into Hypercubes randomly, it is preferable to create 'Facilities' or Hypercubes where specific functions are carried out.
So a large Hypercube system will have 'Facilities' for Lithium chargers, Facilities for communications, Facilities for Hypercube CPUs, and so on.
The aim is to create named facilities that perform specific functions for easy separation of sub systems and their identification.

Hypercubes Facilities (TM) are manufactured fully connectorized and sold with wiring conduits in place to allow external subsystems to connect AND send their wiring through
maximum number of free trans dimensional Hypercube conduits in all 3 pairs of orthogonal conduits.
If the Hypercube Facility (TM) is manufactured as a three dimensional array or a Tesseract Array, the maximum number of free trans dimensional conduits
are expected to be made available to users, less any used for internal wiring between Hypercubes inside the Facility.

Users can potentially break apart a Facility and locate it in different parts of the system. All Facilities should be made with that purpose in mind.
Facilities such as communications arrays and Lithium battery arrays are likely to be split and relocated, so they should be as modular as possible to allow a split to be made
by connectorizing all the interconnecting Hypercubes.

Hypercube Array Embedded Supercomputer Construction System

Hypercubes Array systems are expanded by attaching more hypercubes to each side with spacers. The hypercube trans dimensional wiring conduits facilitate wiring between cubes without cables interfering.
A wire from a CPU board can enter the Hypercube trans dimensional wiring conduits, disappear from the system, and then reappear in another cube without the user having think too much about cabling.
If there is change of direction, wires can de-materialize inside a chosen Hypercube, change direction and re-enter the trans dimensional wiring conduit system and disappear to reappear where needed.

Up to 12 CPU boards fit one Hypercube. A second Hypercube doubles processor count to 24. Each Hypercube also accomodates the Tesseract form(s) leading to Hypercube Tesseract Arrays with higher
board count and processor counts.

Thousands of embedded CPUs can be wired together to make an Embedded Supercomputer to take on engineering challenges such as machine vision, humanoid robotics and autonomous systems
in compact packages that runs on batteries. Processors and peripheral modules are switched on as needed saving power when not in use.

Embedded supercomputers can be more powerful than PC arrays in terms of power saving, space saving and ultimately computational speeds depending on the tasks.
A fast PC is forced to run at speeds less than 20MHz because DRAM page swapping severely limit its net speed depending on the nature of the data that applications have to process.
Potentially the 5 embedded 72MHz ARM CPUs in above photo will out perform an array of 5 PCs in a limited number of scenarios.
Cheap and inexpensive higher speed ARM CPUs such as off the shelf 1GHz ARM CPUs may not fare much better than a PC if its using DRAM.
For machine vision processing, AI, and robotics, the amount of embedded flash and embedded RAM that is running in zero wait state mode is key to fast embedded supercomputers needed
to solve Autonomous AI machine problems. Such embedded supercomputers would not be used to solve computational dynamics for example, because they simply don't have the necessary
RAM and file storage to cope with enormous amounts of data. For computational dynamics, a real conventional supercomputer is needed.

Projected Opening Date September 2017

GPLExtek, GPLExtech and GPLExtek Hypercube are trademarks of GPLExtek Limited
An open source friendly company to the core
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